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Opening and closing their third album with the plaintive call of a saxophone, Haim know that life often goes in cycles. One minute you’re up, the next you’re down; life hands you a third record, and then it deals...
In the midst of a global pandemic that’s ground the live music industry to a halt, it’s important now, more than ever, that people who can afford to buy music do so. Since the pandemic hit, Bandcamp have waived...
Lockdown was quite the trip. Providing a whole lot of time for self-reflection, here's what some of our favourite musicians learned from all that time spent alone. Jehnny Beth "In isolation I have learned about the value of solitude. 'Isolation is the...
Francis of Delirium’s debut EP ‘All Change’ delves deep within. 18-year-old songwriter Jana Bahrich, being thirty years junior to her collaborator Chris Hewett, have generation-spanning scope, striking the balance between instrumental experience and the cracked-open ache of adolescence. This...
The idea of Dream Wife is extremely difficult to fault. Originally conceived as a conceptual art piece back in 2014, the chemistry between Fine Art students Rakel Mjöll, Alice Go and Bella Podpadec proved so undeniable that the project...
In a recent interview, Jessie Ware recounts being called up for jury service, and struggling to find a neat catch-all sentence to describe exactly what she does. “The judge,” Ware joked to The Guardian, “looked at me as if...
Anderson Paak – 'Lockdown' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgItkJCm09c A ‘sign of the times’ protest song is a hard one to get right, but Anderson Paak nails the tone on ‘Lockdown’. Released on Juneteenth, it addresses the community uprising witnessed at Black Lives Matter protests...
Since the awakened dawn in which humanity discovered that accumulating together in groups centred around instruments, can create genuine historical impact, there have been many an attempt at defining what it means to be a "Rock n' Roll Star"....
So by now we’ve probably all had a little look at the annoyingly gorgeous weather forecast for what would have been next weekend’s Glastonbury. It’s ideal; mid-20s and with a little bit of cloud cover and a breeze. Even...
It has now been 126 days since I last went to a gig. It’s the longest I’ve even been without seeing live music in two decades and up until quite recently, I was fine with it. Fine with not...