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After what has felt like a very long winter, spring is here and we can almost smell the cider on the wind. In 2024, we plan to cram in as many festivals as our wallets can afford and our...
There’s a long-held myth in the creative world that anything good needs to be laboured over, your blood, sweat, and tears poured relentlessly into your craft. Maggie Rogers’ third album, ‘Don’t Forget Me,’ is the latest reminder that’s not...
Sabrina Carpenter – ‘Espresso’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51zjlMhdSTE&pp=ygUac2FicmluYSBjYXJwZW50ZXIgZXNwcmVzc28%3D Spare a thought for Barry Keoghan who, if Sabrina Carpenter’s new single is to be believed, is going to find it very hard to catch a wink of sleep for the foreseeable. “Now he’s thinking ‘bout me...
If you haven’t heard of English Teacher yet, there might be a universe in which you could be forgiven. Rather than TikTok virality, beef-seeking interviews or any other kind of discernible drama, the Leeds band have built their name...
You’ve got to feel a tiny bit sorry for that old Jolene. More than 50 years after Dolly Parton first begged her not to steal her man, she finds her name in the mud once again, this time courtesy...
Chappel Roan - 'Good Luck, Babe' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ-oGLluGAc Going from strength to strength on both the Olivia Rodrigo tour and an appearance on TinyDesk, Chappel Roan is being praised online for coaxing the ‘LGBTQ+ girls from a BoyGenius winter to a Chappel...
When it comes to country and western trailblazers, there’s one extremely special singer whose name has been unjustly forgotten in the 54 years since the release of her first and only album. But with Beyoncé recently featuring her on...
For those of us who are chronically online, the phrase ‘Main Pop Girl’ is likely a familiar one.  Used to delineate It-girls-in-training from established superstars, the phrase is popular in Stan communities, bubbling up again with every big release.  Earlier this...
Depending on how ‘online’ you are, the phrase Live, Laugh, Love could either be a sign in your aunt's kitchen or an ironic slogan. For alt-rock Seattle-based four piece, Chastity Belt, the love-of-huns type saying is a mixture of...
CASSYETTE – ‘WHEN SHE TOLD ME’ Grief is rarely re-lived in music through the prism of the all-encompassing shock of finding out. But Cassyette’s new track reflects on the very moment her mum told her she’d lost her dad, when...