This is everything you can eat at Glastonbury 2024

Don't forget to eat. It's important.


What you’re going to eat at Glastonbury is probably not the first decision you’ll make – but it’s a seismic one.

First up: what to take with you. There’s the obvious tent fare: cereal bars, nuts, crisps, sweaty Quorn cocktail sausages (no food poisoning to speak of, to date). The experienced amongst you may have invested in a camp stove which opens up all sorts of possibilities: beans! Pot Noodle! Soup! Beans with sausages in!

Or there’s those of us that will just resign ourselves to the fact that we are not nearly organised enough to pack five days worth of food, so we’ll be surviving off what the many trucks and tents have to offer.


Luckily, there are 330 food vendors at this year’s festival to choose from and our friends at Glastopedia have taken the arduous task of organising them into searchable table by cuisine, location and vendor name. When you find something that you like, you can pin it to your map in the official Vodafone Glastonbury app. Magic.

Fancy Indian? There are 21 stalls on offer. Korean? Four places have got you covered. Ostrich? None other than ‘I love Ostrich’ at The Other Stage is your guy.

For us, a Buddha Bowl always makes us feel a bit more human. Look at that lovely green stuff.

Buddha Bowl at Glastonbury

Dosa Deli’s huge dosas are delish and don’t feel too unhealthy. You can find them in William’s Green.

Anna Mae’s macaroni cheese (it’s mac not crack) is topped with everything you can think of and provides and gooey and oft-needed, dose of stodge.

And, in our humble opinion, you can’t beat a Worthy Farm toastie for breakfast. Last year they did one with mushy peas in and we gobbled it up faster than Chris Martin to a guest slot.

Browse this year’s food options and download the official Glastonbury app via the Google Play store or via Apple.