Chloe Slater has charmed the internet with her politically-charged and very relatable brand of post-punk. As she releases her debut EP, ‘You Can’t Put A Price On Fun’ we talk to the 20-year-old Manchester-based artist about the inspiration behind each of the new tracks – songs which tackle everything from influencer culture and shitty landlords to Britain’s class divide.

’24 hours’
“It’s mainly about the way that young people today, who have grown up in such a digital age, and the ways in which we compare ourselves to influencers online. It’s a struggle between being unhappy with influencers who do not use their platforms and wealth for good, and wishing you were that influencer.”
‘Nothing Shines On This Island’
“’Nothing Shines…’ is probably my favourite track on the EP. The lyrics are super outspoken and direct, highlighting the damage caused by a tory government over the last ten years. Some of my songs I see as a stronger, alter-ego and ‘Nothing Shines’ is definitely one of those.”
‘Price On Fun’
“For ‘Price on Fun’ we wanted to make a song with an anthemic chorus – something to shout at festivals and jump up and down to. lyrically it’s very satirical and written from the POV of someone who has no need to be politically aware and goes about a privileged life without trying to make a difference. A lot people, including myself, have moments of switching off the news and trying to forget about the atrocities that are going on in the world – but it is important that we try to stay present, and to have a say in our future.”
‘Death Trap’
“I love ‘Death Trap’, it’s a bit goofy. It focuses on everything that me and my friends as uni students in Manchester have witnessed/ complained about for the past few years. Quite often issues raised by students are brushed off by those in power, however, we are often the most determined to make a change to the world and to improve our collective futures as a generation.”
‘Thomas Street’
“I wrote ‘Thomas Street’ about the ever growing class disparities in the UK. The main inspiration was the Chanel fashion show that took place on Thomas Street in Manchester, just a week after a homeless person had died from the freezing cold temperatures. The song also grapples with a certain feeling of guilt, for not being grateful for the roof over your head and your minimum wage job because it could be so much worse. I often wonder why some of the richest people in the world do not use their wealth to close the disparities – to get people off the streets and save lives. It’s kind of all the things I think about in the shower mixed up together, but it has some of my favourite lyrics I’ve written – especially “I don’t want to be rich, I want to be famous”.