Answer me this with twst

twst is a new artist who doesn't like capital letters. We've indulged her, but please note, we at The Forty-Five are strong advocates of capital letters and would encourage you to use them.


Welsh-born twst started laying down tracks when she was just fourteen. Stemming from a family of chicken farmers, music wasn’t exactly in her blood but after being inspired by the sounds of David Bowie and Kate Bush, she immersed herself in music, learning how to write and produce. Finding refuge in the studio in the otherwise isolated Welsh valleys, years honing her craft has led to the creation of her first EP ‘TWST0001’: five tracks of digi-pop which flips from Disney-esque vocals to 100 gecs beats in a blink of an eye.

We wanted to know more, so sent her our killer Q&A.

Who are ya?
whats up ppl!!! i’m twst!!!!!! ✿♥‿♥✿


What do you sound like?
post world, meta, classic and timeless 

How did you get into making music?
Wanting to find a form of escape. I started out writing poetry, writing on piano and fucking about with garage band.

What’s your best song?
GO watch GIRL ON YOUR TV video0o0o !!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧

Complete this sentence: At an twst gig, you’re likely to…
be part of some greater experiment 

Which song do you wish you’d written?
Pet shop boys – west end girls 

It’s 10 years from now. You’re headlining Glastonbury. What do you do to make it extra special?
irl duet with sentient ai.

Tell us a secret
one day imma become a monk n live on caldey island

What’s the first thing you’re going to do after lockdown is over?
oat flat white plz

What’s next for you?
Releasing my ep twst0001