Nightclub vaccine passports have been scrapped in England

Going to a nightclub? You'll no longer need a COVID passport


Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, this morning confirmed that Brits will no longer need a vaccination “passport” to gain entry to nightclubs from the end of the month.

Javid told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “What I can say is that we’ve looked at it properly, and while we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I’m pleased to say we will not be going ahead with plans for vaccine passports.”

This is a U-turn on initial government intention to insist on proof of vaccination to gain access to nightclubs and “some other settings” from the end of September.


The change is welcomed by the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) who have been campaigning against the ruling, fearing it would be yet another blow to the nightlife industry.

Michael Kill, CEO NTIA, had this to say: “Following an intense political and public campaign by the NTIA, its members and wider industry supporters, we welcome the comments from the Health Secretary this morning regarding the government’s decision to scrap the planned mandate of COVID Passports from the end of September.”

“We hope that businesses will now be able to plan for the future with some degree of certainty, regain confidence from customers and the workforce and start to rebuild a sector that has consistently been at the sharp end of this pandemic.”

“Our focus now is to ensure that the Chancellor’s October budget allows us the financial space to rebuild and for the industry to maintain its exemplary record in support of the Public Health strategy keeping our staff and our customers safe.”

Sajid Javid added that he “never liked the idea” of vaccine passports but that it was “right to properly look at it, to look at the evidence”.