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7 boygenius lyrics for your next Instagram caption 

Happy boygenius day to all who observe.

Photo: Shervin Lainez

If boygenius were releasing their debut album 20 years ago, a litany of high school alt kids would be changing their AIM and MSN Messenger statuses to lyrics from ‘the record’. Technology might have changed, but our urge to punctuate our online communication with emo/poetic/melodramatic/all of the above lyrics hasn’t. It’s just moved to a different platform – Instagram. Here are the best boygenius lyrics from ‘the record’ to caption your next post on the platform. 

“In another life, we were arsonists” – ‘$20’ 

Crime doesn’t pay, but fire does look cool. Get around the whole illegal, dangerous thing by using this line to caption dazzling fireworks or a very safely prepared bonfire. 

“You say you’re a winter bitch / But summer’s in your blood” – ‘True Blue’ 

Irreverent and versatile – a true winner that works for a snow-covered pic or one on the beach. If boygenius can give us a spring/autumn follow-up on album number two, all future seasonal content will be sorted. 

“Drag racing through the canyon / Singing ‘Boys Don’t Cry’” – ‘Not Strong Enough’ 

Canyon or not, this lyric is the perfect accompaniment to snaps from a road trip and all the sweet, sweet mems of wailing along to the radio with your pals. But be warned: post a video of said singalongs without permission at your peril. 

“I never thought you’d happen to me” – ‘Leonard Cohen’

Sure, you could use this lyric to caption a sickeningly sweet photo dump of you and the romantic love of your life. Or, you could pay homage to the lads who wrote it and put it on a post dedicated to your BFFs – the crew you have matching tattoos with and would ride or die for. 

“Will you be a satanist with me?” – ‘Satanist’

Well, would you? See also: “will you be a nihilist with me” or “will you be an anarchist with me” from the same song. Sort the wheat from the chaff in the assembling of your own personal boygenius with this line from ‘Satanist’, preferably shared alongside your best edgy, emo pics. 

“Was anyone ever so young?” – ‘Anti-Curse’ 

Perhaps it’s cheating to claim this as a boygenius-inspired caption when the band themselves took it from Joan Didion’s Slouching Towards Bethlehem, and Joan would probably turn in her grave at the suggestion her prose be ready-made for a throwback post. Regardless, it’s a line that nods to the naivety and silliness of youth, so match it with those old photos that make you wistful for who you once were and grateful to have grown since. 

“Good day, good night, good talk, goodbye” – ‘Black Hole’

The perfect caption for a thirst trap in our humble opinion. That, or a life-affirming moment – meeting a hero, attending a concert, eating at a hype spot – that can’t be topped. This line, from follow-up EP ‘The Rest’ is spectacularly dismissive.

READ MORE: Phoebe Bridgers’ saddest songs

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